Can you be a peaceful anarchist? It may seem like an oxymoron, but it is possible to reject all forms of hierarchy and authority without resorting to violence. Anarchism is a philosophy that focuses on the abolition of the state, which is seen as unnecessary, undesirable, and harmful. While anarchism does not condone violence, it advocates for peaceful resistance to oppression. If you are interested in learning more about anarchism, keep reading!
What is an Anarchist?
Anarchism is a philosophy and movement that is critical of authority and rejects all involuntary, coercive forms of hierarchy. [Source]
Can an Anarchist work for the Government?
According to anarchists, a government is harmful and unnecessary. The etymology of anarchist is derived from the Greek root “anarchos meaning ‘without authority, anarchism, anarchist, and anarchy are used to express both approval and disapproval” [Source]. Because anarchists despise the governments and “man-made authority,” it’s difficult for an anarchist to work for the government.
Can Anarchists believe in God?
Regarding religion, “it is a fact that most anarchists are atheists.” Because anarchism advocates for reason, logic, and scientific knowledge, it conflicts with religious thinking. This means anarchists are skeptics rather than believers [Source].
Can Anarchists be Right-Wing?
Anarchists do not conform to right-wing values, which emphasize authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction, and nationalism [Source].
Can you be a Peaceful Anarchist?
An anarchist does not always imply that someone is trying to overthrow the current order thus, one may be a peaceful anarchist depending on the type of anarchy embraced.
Can Anarchists be Religious?
The fundamentals of anarchism relied on logical thinking, reasoning, and scientific entities, so most anarchists are not religious. However, other anarchists can be religious; for example, novelist Leo Tolstoy was described as Christian. [Source].
Can you be an Anarchist in the Military?
A military department is a government agency that serves under the orders of a government. Even private mercenaries have power and are hired to carry out specific tasks directed by the authority figures. A true anarchist cannot handle being told what to do, so they do not fit a military structure [Source].
Are Anarchists Liberal?
Anarchists are against any form of authority and man-made rules that oppress people’s freedom and cage them. They seek political, social, and economic liberty and exert effort in abolishing the state. Some scholars perceive anarchism as borrowing from liberalism; hence anarchists are liberal. [Source]
Difference between Nihilism and Anarchist
Nihilism is the “rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless” [Source], and anarchism refers to the rejection of a governing body or authorities. Anarchists believe in no government, and nihilism states “no purpose or meaning to life.”
Are Anarchists Leftist?
“Anarchism is placed on the far-left of the political spectrum, and much of its economics and legal philosophy reflect anti-authoritarian interpretations of left-wing politics such as communism mutualism, or participatory economics” [Source], thus anarchists are leftist.
Are Anarchists Communists?
Anarchism is embedded in the values of liberty and urges people’s freedom rather than being controlled by powerful human beings [Source]. Due to hybrids in these philosophies, anarchism co-joined with others to form anarcho-communism. Anarcho-communism is a theory of anarchism that “advocates a communist society with common ownership of the means of production, direct democracy and a horizontal network of voluntary associations, workers’ councils and worker cooperatives. [Source].
Difference between Anarchist and Statist
A statist is a “skilled politician or one with political power, knowledge or influence,” and an anarchist is a person who opposes the establishment of a hierarchy or authority [Source].
Difference between Anarchist and Rebel
A rebel focuses on opposing any established order, whether good or bad for society, but an anarchist only targets coercive orders and limited choices given to people. Rebel tend to fight any form of oppression, while anarchists move to dissolve all forms of states and departments. To anarchists, authority degrades them, and any controlling entity should be removed [Source].
Difference between Anarchist and Terrorist
Terrorists are seen as extremists who wish to destroy authority that does not conform to their values, and anarchists oppose laws and states which control people. Terrorism is a crime condemned across the globe, but anarchism can survive in society. Terrorism is relative because there is no universality among all the terrorist groups such as Isis and Al Qaeda, while anarchism has a universal belief of every person revolting against authority deemed unfit and unnecessary. Terrorism can be a result of selfish needs, such as the need to conquer a nation. While anarchism was born out of the need to liberate people from being controlled by the state and laws.
Difference between Anarchist and Marxist
The foundation of Marxism state that society is dynamic and will change since it is based on dialectical materialism and anarchism stress the primitive aspects of humanity where there was abundant liberty.
A Marxist view supports socialism and then communism after the working force rebels against capitalism, but anarchism believes communism is born after a state or authority is dissolved. A Marxist society has rules which govern the equal distribution and ownership of wealth, while an anarchist society seems to exist in a more or less “lawless” environment. Anarchists believe that as long as people have liberty, they will be happy, while Marxists argue that communal ownership will bring a utopian society that treats everyone equally. Anarchists believe that common people must be absorbed into the leadership of society when revolting but Marxists argue that the proletariat has to lead when partaking in a revolution [Source].
Difference between Anarchist and Communist
Communism comes after socialism which a revolution against capitalism would have brought, and anarchism is a successful revolution against controlling laws and authority. Anarchists focus on the individual liberty of citizens, while communists need a society with communal ownership of wealth and the means of production. Anarchists want a society with a government or constitutional authority, and communists argue for a communist government run by only one communist party [Source]. Anarchists put trust in a revolution that will end state authority, but communists want a revolution that will establish collective ownership of property in the hands of the state. Individual capacity when it comes to the distribution of resources and goods is the aim of anarchists, while communists need equal distribution based upon the needs of a person. Anarchists propagate egalitarian religion, whereas pure communists do not have a religion. There must be no geographical boundaries for anarchists, and they promote internationalism, with communists believing in geographical states.
Do Anarchists believe in Democracy?
Anarchism is a democracy without government” [Source]. Anarchists are not interested in a representative democracy where people choose the “right” candidate to represent them in government. They argue that “There is no meaning in choosing which guy will oppress you on behalf of the rich people.”
Do Anarchists believe in Government?
Anarchists oppose any form of government or manmade authority established in society because they take away people’s liberties. To them, governments are oppressive entities that hinder society from enjoying freedom.
Can you be a Marxist and an Anarchist?
An anarchist cannot be a pure Marxist but can borrow certain Marxist aspects such as analyzing the society using historical materialism, abolishing capitalism, shunning oppression of the masses and working force, and the existence of anarcho-communists proves this. But these two philosophies part ways when it comes to establishing a state in society, a view supported by Marxists and opposed by anarchists.
Can you be a Socialist and an Anarchist?
Social anarchism shows that one can be a socialist and an anarchist. Anarchists are also described as libertarian socialists. Anarchism is about the emancipation of people from the oppressive government, so it does have socialist tendencies but is not purely socialist.